Solex, (from hereinafter will be shortly referred to as “Solex or Company"), protection of private lives of our customers, suppliers, lessees and lessors, particularly for protecting their fundamental rights and freedoms and ensuring security and protection of their information are among our primary principles; therefore, we would like to inform you about "Protection of Personal Data". Solex reserves its right to update this text at any time in the frame of any alteration to be applied on the applicable regulations.
Within the scope of the 6698 Numbered Law on Protecting Personal Data which has been published in the Official Gazette with 07.04.2016 date and 29677 number (from hereinafter will be shortly referred to as "the Law"), your personal data (including but not limited with your name, surname, cell phone numbers, e-mail addresses, date of birth, city of residence, address particulars, gender, marital status, shopping information, level of education, fields of interest, your tastes and the things you like, your image and sound recordings, payment details and etc.) which you share with our Company through Supplier Relationship or Customer Communication and Satisfaction Program and/or micro applications to be implemented, money transfer provided in our stores through memberships to micro websites, product financing and etc. services, Contracts signed as the lessee or lessor, will be stored, recorded, saved and updated by our Company in accordance with the Law and transferred to the courier firms which we have contractual relations as allowed by the related regulations, related banks for payments through virtual POS, e-commerce websites, social sharing webistes (such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Kariyer.net, Twitter, Linkedin and etc.), our suppliers, our stakeholders in the Customer Communication and Satisfaction Program and other legally authorized public institutions and agencies and authorized third parties and processed as indicated in the Law.
Processing Your Personal Data
In accordance with the Law, all kinds of processes, transactions and procedures conducted on data such as recording/saving, storing, maintaining, changing, reorganizing, describing, disclosing, tranferring, taking over and making accessible, classifying or preventing usage of personal data completely or partially, to become a part of automatic or any data recording system through automatic or nonautomatic methods re accepted as "processing personal data".
Method Used for Collecting Your Personal Data
Your personal data is stored through various channels such as our corporate websites, mobile application or e-mail, SMS or other means of communication or our business relations, while signing agreements/contracts and/or the information you provide us during the course of commercial relation between us, technical communication files known as "cookies" (small size files stored in your computer) which are used for our computers to identify you automatically when you visit our website, physical forms and etc. in written, orally or electronic environment.
Your personal data is processed in accordance with the express consent of our customers and based on legal grounds indicated in the 5th Article of the 6698 Law on Protecting Personal Data.
Solex will collect and process your browsing data, share them with third parties and store securely in order to provide better services to its customers and within the frame of its legal liabilities, provided that they are not used other than the purposes and the context provided in this text of Protecting Personal Data.
Purpose for Processing Your Personal Data
Your personal data to be collected will be processed by Solex for the following purposes in accordance with the basic principles stipulated by the Law and within the scope of the conditions and purposes for processing personal data indicated in the 5th and 6th articles of the law
Promoting the goods and services provided by our firm, promoting its members, increasing communication, improving its image, improving its products, services and communication, data analysis, studies, research, statistical activities, understanding trends and using in marketing and advertisement services.
Conducting the activities by related departments of our firm in order to implement and fulfill commercial activities carried out by us and executing related business processes and procedures,
Planning and executing commercial and/or business strategies of the firm,
Ensuring legal, technical and commercial-business security of the firm and the people in business relation with the firm
Recording and saving addresses and other necessary information for communication purposes, organizing all records and documentation to be basis for processes in the electronic (internet/mobile and etc.) environment or hardcopy
Fulfilling the liabilities undertaken in accordance with the agreements we sign according to the provisions of related regulations, fulfilling our legal liabilities and exercising our rights arising from applicable regulations,
Providing information to public officials if it is requested for purposes related with public security and in accordance with applicable regulations,
Using them as evidences in case of any potential conflict,
Detailed information on the purposes of processing your personal data by Solex, are included in the Solex Policy for Protecting and Processing Personal Data.
Transferring Personal Data
Your Personal Data is collected through various channels in order to carry out the activities of the Firm based on legal grounds for complying with the applicable regulations and the policies of firm. Your personal data to be collected can be transferred directyl or indirectly by Solex to our domestic and foreign business partners, suppliers, social sharing websites (such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Kariyer.net, Twitter, Linkedin and etc.), Solex affiliates and subsidiaries, legally authorized public institutions and organizations, legally authorized private legal persons and group members in accordance with the aforementioned purposes, the basic principles stipulated by the Law and the conditions and purposes for processing personal data indicated in the 8th and 9th articles of the Law.
Your Rights as the Data Owner
You can apply Solex as the data controller related with processing of your personal data and in accordance with the 11th Article of the 6698 numbered Law on Protecting Personal Data
a. Learn whether any personal data related with them is processed or not,
b. If, their personal data is processed, request information related with that,
c. Learn the purpose for processing personal data and whether his/her personal data is used for the intended purpose,
d. Learn the national and international third parties, his/her personal data is transferred,
e. If, his/her personal data is processed wrongfully or deficiently, requesting it to be corrected and requesting the process conducted within this scope is notified to the third parties, his/her personal data is transferred,
f. Request your personal data is erased or destroyed in the frame of the conditions stipulated in the 7th Article of the Law,
g. Request that the processes conducted in accordance with the paragraphs (e) and (f) above are notified to the third parties where your personal data is transferred,
h. Raise an objection to a result against him/her as a consequence of analyzing his/her processed personal data exclusively through automatic systems and
i. If any, demand his/her losses and damages, are compensated due to illegal processing of his/her personal data,
You can make your applications about your aforementioned rights by filling in the Solex Data Owner Application Form in accordance with the provided instructions and send a signed copy of that form to; Büyük Sinan Mahallesi Çiçekci Sokak No7/204 Karatay/Konya/Türkiye including papers to prove your identity personally or through public notary or other means indicated in the Law or you can send that form to info@solex.com with your secure electronic signature. Your application will be finalized as soon as possible and maximum within thirty days based on the nature of your request; however, if any additional cost arises, the Firm reserves its right to demand any fee from you in accordance with the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Commission of the Firm.